

Mission statement
Kwansei Gakuin, as a learning community based on the principles of Christianity,inspires its members to seek their life missions, and cultivates them to be creative and capable world citizens who embody its motto, "Mastery for Service," by transforming society with compassion and integrity.

関西学院は、キリスト教主義に基づく「学びと探究の共同体」として、ここに集うすべての者が生涯をかけて取り組む人生の目標を見出せるよう導き、思いやりと高潔さをもって社会を変革することにより、スクールモットー “Mastery for Service ” を体現する、創造的かつ有能な世界市民を育むことを使命とします。


ミッションステートメント 解説

By describing Kwansei Gakuin as a “learning community,” we understand that education and research are collaborative endeavors. KG was founded on “the principles of Christianity,” and these principles continue as the core of its existence. This refers to learning about the theological and cultural aspects of Christianity, including the significance of Jesus Christ, but it also means that all the goals and values of this community are firmly rooted in Christian ideals. Human rights, peace, respect for nature, social justice, and cross-cultural understanding are prime examples of such values that guide our studies and life together toward an inclusive community “without fences.”
Through this educational environment, all the members, who include students and their families, faculty, staff, and alumni, are motivated to seek new knowledge, and the full life that is most suited to each, based on individual talents, interests, and abilities, as well as social needs. “Life missions” also include vocations in Christian Ministry, one of the original courses at Kwansei Gakuin, and this training continues as an important element of the Christian principles. The content of a KG education nurtures people to develop social, moral, and academic skills that allow them to participate creatively around the world, and take leadership as agents of change in the societies where they live, thus actualizing the ideal of “world citizen.” Like Kwansei Gakuin’s founder, Walter Lambuth, world citizens have the skills to communicate and empathize with others, and then take responsibility for creating a better world. KG’s motto, “Mastery for Service,” is explained further by emphasizing that its motivation must be the care and concern for others.

 「生涯課題(ライフミッション)」の語は、学院発足当初の目的であったキリスト教伝道者への召命も意味しますが、そのための教育は、現在もキリスト教主義教育の重要な要素として引き継がれています。関西学院の教育は、社会的、道徳的、学術的な力を涵養することで、そこで学ぶ者が創造力をもって世界で活躍することを可能にし、ひいては、自らが生きる社会を変革するための指導力を発揮するように促します。これは、「世界市民」という理想実現のための手段にほかなりません。世界市民とは、学院の創立者ウォルター・ランバスのように、他者と対話し共感する能力を身につけ、よりよい世界の創造に向けて責任を担う人々のことです。関西学院のスクールモットー“Mastery for Service”は、他者への関心と思いやりに支えられたときに、はじめて十全の意味をもつのです。

(関西学院 新基本構想 資料編)



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