
[ 総合政策研究科 Graduate School of Policy Studies ] 国連システム政策専攻(2025年4月開設予定)
Graduate Department of UN System Policy Studies(Starting in April 2025)

新専攻 New Major


Based on the spirit of "citizenship of the world", The goal of the program is to train professionals who active in the international public sector, such as United Nations and other specialized international organizations.

Core Academic Disciplines

The Department is positioned as a coursework-centered professional school that trains globally active professionals and leaders, and all courses are taught in English, and in small groups at the same level as overseas graduate schools. The UN System Policy major is based on the "UN Competency Framework," a curriculum systematically organized based on the UN recruitment standards adopted in the current "UN and Diplomacy Course. In line with the three pillars of the United Nations, namely "maintenance of international peace and security," "protection and promotion of human rights," and "promotion of economic and social development," the course takes an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates a wide range of academic fields while focusing on international relations as one of the categories of political science. Specifically, through the study of specialized fields such as "global governance," "international organization theory," "SDGs," "international human rights and humanitarian law," "gender," and "international development," the program cultivates human resources with practical application skills and international competitive edge.

本専攻は、世界で活躍する専門家、リーダーを養成するコースワーク中心のプロフェッショナル・スクールとの位置づけから、全科目の授業を英語、少人数かつ演習主体で実施し、海外大学院と同等のレベルで展開します。カリキュラムは、国連の採用基準“UN Competency Framework”に基づいて体系的に編成。「国際の平和と安全の維持」、「人権の擁護と推進」、「経済社会開発の推進」の国連の3本柱に沿って、政治学のカテゴリーの1つとしての国際関係論を中心としつつ幅広い学問分野を踏まえた学際的なアプローチをとります。具体的には、「グローバル・ガバナンス」、「国際組織論」、「SDGs」、「国際人権・人道法」、「ジェンダー」、「国際開発」などの専門分野の学習を通じて、実践的応用力と国際的な競争力を身につけた人材を養成する。

Image of human resources to be trained

The program will train future leaders to be active in international organizations such as the United Nation with not only communication skills in the global arena, but also problem-solving skills, imagination and creativity, flexibility among multicultural and different values, and the ability to respond to change and crisis.


Course Offerings

Outline of Course SubjectsPDF file

● International Public Policy
● Career Seminar for International Organizations
● Management of International Organizations
● Global Sustainable Development
● Global Environmental Policy
● International Human Rights and Humanitarian Principles
● Global Diversity
● Diplomacy, Peace and Security
● International Issues and Global Order
● International Negotiation
● Research Project in the United Nations
● Internship with UN and Other Agencies
● Research Seminar

所属教員 ※Alphabetical order

INOUE Ichiro
井上 一郎

●関西学院大学 総合政策学部教授
●元・外務省 課長補佐

●KGU Professor in the School of Policy Studies
●Ex-Deputy Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

JITSU Tetsuya
実 哲也

●関西学院大学 総合政策学部教授
●元・日本経済新聞 論説副委員長
●元・日本経済研究センター 研究主幹

●KGU Professor in the School of Policy Studies
●Ex-Deputy Chief Editorial Writer, Nihon Keizai Shimbun (Nikkei Newspaper)
●Ex-Executive Research Director, Japan Center for Economic Research

小西 尚実

●関西学院大学 総合政策学部教授
●元・アジア開発銀行本省 総裁補佐官
●元・国連ILO本部(スイス・ジュネーブ)人事局 コンサルタント

●KGU Professor in the School of Policy Studies
●Ex-Advisor to the President, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Manila
●Ex-UN Volunteer, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Team, Dep. Of Education, UNESCO, Paris
●Ex-Consultant, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva

MIWA Atsuko
三輪 敦子

●関西学院大学 総合政策学部教授
●(一財) アジア・太平洋人権情報センター所長
●元・国連女性開発基金(現UN Women)アジア太平洋地域事務所プログラム担当

●KGU Professor in the School of Policy Studies
●Nations Development Fund for Women (UN Women currently) Director,Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center
●Ex-Programme Officer at Asia and the Pacific Regional Office in Bangkok of the United

MURATA Shun-ichi
村田 俊一

●関西学院大学 特別任期制教授

●KGU Professor
●Dean of Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies
●Ex-Deputy Executive Secretary of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific(UNESCAP)
●Ex-Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Representation Office in Tokyo

西野 桂子

●関西学院大学 特別任期制教授

●KGU Professor
●Associate Dean, Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies
●Director of KG Career Center for International Organizations
●Ex-Recruitment & Staff Development Officer of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

清水 康子

●関西学院大学 総合政策学部教授
●元シニアアドバイザー(JICA本部 UNHCRより出向)

●KGU Professor in the School of Policy Studies
●Ex-Chief of Mission, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) India and the Maldives
●Ex-Senior Advisor seconded from UNHCR, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Tokyo

Admissions Information

More information on admissions will be available on the admissions website from June 2024 onwards.

Minor "UN System Policy Studies”

The minor “UN System Policy Studies” is a graduate minor program offered by the Graduate School of Policy Studies.
Please check the details of the minor "UN System Policy Studies” from the linked information website.
