
関西学院大学 国連・外交統括センターは、7月15日(水)にイナ・レーペル駐日ドイツ大使を講師にお迎えして、大学院副専攻「国連・外交コース」オンラインセミナーを開催しました。

On July 15, Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies in Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU) welcomed H.E. Ms. Ina Lepel, German Ambassador to Japan. She served many posts mostly in Asia. She took up her appointment as German Ambassador to Japan in September, 2019. Prior to her current appointment, she served as Ambassador to Pakistan (7/2015-5/2017) and Head of the Asia and Pacific Department (5/2017-8/2019).

駐日ドイツ連邦共和国大使 イナ・レーペル閣下
H.E. Ms. Ina Lepel, German Ambassador to Japan.

今回のセミナーは、本センター長の神余隆博教授が担当する大学院「国連・外交コース」科目”Seminar in Diplomacy, Peace and Security”のゲストスピーカーとして来学くださり、実現しました。セミナーには本学院舟木讓院長、ホルガー・ブングシェ国際学部教授、アンナ・シュラーデ産業研究所准教授も参加し、オンラインで開催しました。レーペル大使におかれましては、今回が日本の大学で初のご講演となり、本学国連・外交コース履修生や学部生など計20名が参加しました。また、セミナーに先駆けては、大使と本学教員による歓迎昼食会も開かれました。

Ambassador Lepel visited KGU to give a lecture for the class “Seminar in Diplomacy, Peace and Security” as a guest speaker to accept an invitation from Professor Takahiro Shinyo, Dean of Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies. According to herself, this is the first opportunity to give a lecture on campus at university in Japan. The seminar was conducted as a remote lecture with 20 viewers online including the graduate course students and the undergraduates of KGU, Professor Jo Funaki (Chancellor of Kwansei Gakuin), Professor Holger Robert Bungsche (School of International Studies, KGU) and Dr. Anna Schrade (Institute for Industrial Research, KGU) . A welcome lunch was held on campus prior to the seminar with KGU professors.

Ambassador Lepel on KGU campus with the professors

セミナーでは、”German Foreign Policy towards Asia and Japan: Germany’s Role in the most Dynamic Region in the 21st Century”をテーマに、アジア情勢の変遷とそれに伴うドイツ政府の包括的な政策展開について述べられました。ドイツおよびEU諸国とアジア地域の国々との関係の重要性について、コロナ禍での国際協力等も事例として、ご講義くださいました。また、日独関係の現状と今後の方向性についても説明がありました。現職の駐日ドイツ大使として、まさに激動の国際情勢の下で任務を果たされる中、日々刻刻と報じられるグローバル経済・外交の動きとリアルタイムでリンクするご講義は、独特の臨場感に包まれており、国連・外交コースならではの得難い機会となりました。

As the seminar is titled “German Foreign Policy towards Asia and Japan: Germany’s Role in the most Dynamic Region in the 21st Century”, it was based on the comprehensive policies of Germany in Asia/Pacific with a survey of the changes in Asian/Pacific countries. Ambassador Lepel mentioned about the importance of the strong partnership between EU and Asian countries with introducing the recent examples of international cooperation in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. She also explained about current state and future prospects of the relationship between Germany and Japan. Ambassador Lepel brought us the most precious opportunity to experience the linkage between her missions and the various on-going issues of the global economy and politics under this extremely difficult situations.

At the site of the online seminar: Ambassador Lepel and Professor Shinyo


Since we have students of diversity from all over the world, various and straight forward questions were asked after the lecture. It was quite impressive that Ambassador Lepel generously provided sincere and detailed answer to each student. At the end of the seminar, Professor Shinyo gave a closing comment as follows: “Please keep in your mind not only the substantial content of her lecture given today, but also her professional style in making dialogues and dignified appearance as an experienced diplomat.”

With the students during the remote lecture




大学院 国連・外交コース

関西学院大学 大学院研究科紹介