[ 国連・外交統括センター ]キャリア・コーチング(国連・外交コース修了生限定)
Career Coaching for Graduates of UNFA Course and IBA GPMP
Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies conducts Career Coaching as continuous support to the graduates of UNFA Course and IBA GPMP.
コーチングの対象 Coaching Categories
Our career coaching is structured by the following three categories:
(1) Entry-level: to apply for a position in UN or international organization
(2) Mid-career level: to develop your career in a specific field in UN or international organizations
(3) To develop your career in diplomatic or governmental organizations, international NGOs, etc.
サポート内容 Contents of our career coaching
(1) Support to create your own career design including your plan for further education and job hunting.
(2) Provide information of human networks, job openings in UN or international organizations, etc.
(3) Coach in creating your job application, preparing for an interview and other process of selection.
*For the details, Coaching Advisor decides the contents of coaching according to your needs.
申込方法 How to apply for Career Coaching
(1)メール宛先:unfa<at>kwansei.ac.jp ※<at> は @ に置き換えてください。(関西学院大学国連・外交統括センター)
a) 氏名(フリガナ)
b) 現在の所属
c) 携帯電話番号
d) 希望する教員(応対可能教員:村田俊一教授、西野桂子教授、三輪敦子教授、清水康子教授)
e) 希望日時<祝日を除く火曜日~土曜日の10:00~16:00で3候補程度記載ください>
f) 主な相談事項
g) 希望する実施形態(対面またはオンライン)
h) 希望する将来の進路・目標(関心のある分野や国際機関などをできるだけ具体的に)
Please note that our career coaching is available for the graduates of UNFA course and IBA GPM program only.
If you wish to apply, send e-mail as follows:
1. Mail to: unfa <at> kwansei.ac.jp ※Please replace <at> with @.(Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies, KGU)
2. Mail title: Application for Career Coaching (Your Name)
3. Mail text: please fill in the following
a) Your name
b) Your current status
c) Your mobile phone number
d) Please choose name of the advisor you wish to apply for career coaching from the following list:
Prof. Shun-ichi Murata, Prof. Keiko Nishino, Prof. Atsuko Miwa- and Prof. Yasuko Shimizu.
e) Please inform us the preferable date and time that you would like to apply for your career coaching; 2-3 options would be appreciated.
Career Coaching Office Hours: 10:00 -16:00, Tuesday to Saturday except National holidays
f) Matter for consultation
g) Coaching style that you wish to conduct: (In person/Online)
h) Your career plan (Please describe the field that you are interested in or the names of institutions you wish to work for.)
※ If you don’t receive a reply from us within four business days including the day you send the application (except weekends and National Holidays), please re-send your e-mail again to Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies.
Please note that during the seasonal holidays (summer holidays:August 13-21 and winter holidays:December 24-January 5) and Entrance Examination (February 1-7) , our office will be closed and we will respond to you upon our return at earliest possible.
その他 Enquiries
場所:西宮上ケ原キャンパス 大学院1号館3階
Email:unfa<at>kwansei.ac.jp ※<at> は @ に置き換えてください。
If you have enquiries about the Graduate Course of UN and Foreign Affairs Studies, please contact Integrated Center for UN and Foreign Affairs Studies.
Office on campus: 3rd floor, Graduate Students Services Building 1, Nishinomiya Uegahara Campus, KGU
E-mail: unfa<at>kwansei.ac.jp ※Please replace <at>with @.
※ The information that you provide us through Career Coaching is recorded and only professors and office staff members can access your file, unless you do not agree. Your information are confidential and shall not be used for any purpose other than those originally agreed on without your permission.