国連・外交インターンシップ報告:佐藤 夢乃(JICA本部・UNDP駐日代表事務所)

Yumeno Sato Internship Photo 1

佐藤 夢乃(サトウ ユメノ)
総合政策研究科 博士課程前期課程1年
関西学院大学 総合政策学部卒業
実習機関:①JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)本部(東京) ②UNDP(国連開発計画)駐日代表事務所(東京)
実習期間:①JICA:2022.8.8-9.29 ②UNDP: 2022.8.8-10.31

Yumeno SATO
1st year of Graduate School of Policy Studies
B.A. (School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Internship institution: ①JICA Tokyo ② UNDP Representation office in Tokyo, Japan
Internship duration: ①JICA: 2022.8.8-9.29 ②UNDP: 2022.8.8-10.31


Yumeno Sato Internship Photo 2
Internship at JICA Tokyo

●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容
I participated in both the internship at JICA and UNDP.
I worked 2 days at JICA and 2.5 days at UNDP in a week and my main duties were as follows.

■ JICA:Evaluation Division2, Evaluation Department
-Performing analysis of approximately 130 pre-evaluation reports of Official Development Assistance(ODA) and making a recommendation for applying “lessons learned” to future projects.
-Making comments on the ODA ex-post evaluation report prepared by the external evaluator.
-Creating a Theory of Change* for JICA Development Studies Program: JICA-DSP.
-Making a proposal for thematic evaluation.
-Creating an article for an annual report.
Note *Theory of Change is a single table that organises the inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts on a specific project like a logic model.

■ UNDP: Public Affairs (PA) Unit
-Creating drafts for SNS and newsletters.
-Planning a proposal and preparing operations for the launch of the Instagram account.
-Conducting interviews and writing an article.
-Writing a monthly report to Headquarters.
-Participation in Global Festa.
-Assisting in tasks related to Youth Co: Lab

Yumeno Sato Internship Photo 3
Internship at UNDP Tokyo

● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び
At UNDP, I took the initiative to start a new social media project, Instagram and was able to open the account in a month. UNDP needed to connect with the younger generation to expand participation in youth entrepreneurship events such as Youth Co: Lab. This was not on the agenda of the PA team at the beginning.
However, through my efforts, I gained the interest of the supervisors and put it into implementation. First, I found out about issues related to PR through conversations with supervisors to clarify tasks to consider the account launch proposal, and second, I researched and analysed other agencies’ accounts to build a branding strategy for UNDP Tokyo, such as developing a strategy for the operation, determination of targets, and proposals of specific posting contents. In order to achieve the launch of the account, the proposal had to be extensively fleshed out. Even though the plan gained the interest of my supervisor, it was not easy to gain their conviction. This experience allows me to learn about some key elements to improve the chances of any proposal being approved.

●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
In the application phase, I received advice from the professor, the UNFA office, and alumni on how to write an attractive cover letter and CV, and how to prepare for the interview and writing exam. Especially, a cover letter and CV are the first screening, and I learned it needs to be analysed to convey the relevance of my previous experience to the practical work of the internship and to maximise my attractiveness.
For considering the SNS strategy at UNDP, the knowledge acquired in the Seminar in Global Communication classes was fundamental. Conversely, after the internship, my understanding of UNDP has been very useful in analysing the case studies and making project proposals in Research Project in the United Nations course.
Through several classes, students have the opportunity to learn about the project flow from planning to execution, the DAC6 principles, which are international standards for evaluating ODA, and activities related to JICA's projects. These basic understandings have been a great help to me in my work at JICA.

●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン
Based on my studies in the UNFA course, including this internship, I found that my purpose is to contribute to society's sustainable and inclusive development through business in the future. Businesses have the advantage of being able to generate their own economic benefits and are therefore the first to challenge cutting-edge and social trends.
For a sustainable society, I believe that the ecosystem needs to be transformed so that the private sector can essentially form partnerships with government and non-profit organizations beyond the corporate framework. I would like to be involved in this challenge by working in departments such as private sector collaboration and external partnerships with all stakeholders, such as the private sector, the public sector, the United Nations, etc.
For a sustainable business, I would like to develop my expertise in the area of Human Rights Due Diligence, which is a particularly long-term and fundamental task in the challenge of achieving sustainable management. The ecosystem for understanding human rights risks is still insufficiently formed, not only for all stages of a company’s internal engagement but also for external stakeholders as well as for disclosing the assessment of human rights risks.

●What you find most rewarding about this experience/インターンシップを終えて
In addition to the many learnings gained through the work, I received much advice on my future life and career from supervisors at both UNDP and JICA.
One of my supervisors told me about her experiences that career exchange from a private apparel company to the UN*. Her experience was one role model for me, as I want to be involved in partnerships between the private sector and international organisations.
At JICA, my supervisor connected me with 20 or more staff, and I learned about various career paths at JICA. I received many hints on how to find specific career goals, such as what kind of work I would like to be engaged in and what I would like to achieve by making use of the opportunities available to me.
Finally, it was an irreplaceable experience could be able to take on all kinds of challenges, depending on my willingness, and allowed me to be more specific and explore all the possibilities for my future than ever before.

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Note*: Ms. Sato interviewed the colleague about her career as Private Partnership Consultant at UNDP Representation Office in Tokyo.
The article is posted on  the UNDP Tokyo web page.

