国連・外交インターンシップ報告:FAYE, Mouhamadou Mbackiyou(WFP Libya)
ファイ ムハマド ンバキユウ
経営戦略研究科(IBA) Global Public Management Program 2年
International School of Management (Senegal)卒業
FAYE Mouhamadou Mbackiyou
2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting
Bachelor in Business Administration (International School of Management, Senegal)
Internship institution: WFP/Libya (Remote internship)
Internship duration: 2022.05.04~2022.11.03
●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容
I didn't see my 6 months of internship go by. I immediately felt at ease with my supervisor and this allowed me to find my place quickly. I could build on the skills I had acquired during my studies and also learned a lot. This internship mainly consisted of supporting and assisting the unit, i.e. supporting the creation and organization of WFP/Libya's electronic filing systems, assisting with a wide range of HR reports related to information and data management (Share-point, Cloud, Onedrive), participating in recruitment interviews as an observer and writing reports, including recruitment selection reports and databases. I came out of this internship with more confidence and solid experience.
● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び
My internship allowed me to understand the UN system and the challenges that most of its institutions face in enabling people to have better life. It gave me a solid experience in human resources. This internship also allowed me to see how my academic background could be applied to real-life problems and to understand the importance of teamwork and its impact on decision-making. Beyond enriching my knowledge of the UN system, this internship allowed me to understand to what extent the human resources department manages the staff of an organization, how personnel files are organized, and how the staff is recruited. I received useful feedback that will help me improve, and I am very grateful for this, as I have learned a lot in a short time. I recommend this internship to anyone who wants to learn about the humanitarian side of the United Nations and also how the staff is managed in international organizations.
●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
The courses at UNFA are very instructive, even before I started my internship I could understand how the UN institutions work with the Management of International Organizations Course. The UN is here to help people have a better life, and in the same way, WFP saves people's lives and even changes them. As a current student aspiring to be an international civil servant, this internship allowed me to better strengthen my skills, set again my goals for my future missions.
●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン
UNFA has really changed the way I see things. Before I started this program, I had a wave of anger in me, I wanted to change many things, especially about how people suffer in Africa, but unfortunately, I didn't know where to start. I am very concerned about development and fighting the bad governance that hinders the growth of developing countries, especially in Africa. So I am really interested in capacity building and human resource management because everything is developed by people. But after this internship, I am also very curious about the humanitarian side of the UN. In this respect, UNDP and WFP are institutions that really interest me.
