国連・外交インターンシップ報告:尾崎 加奈(UNDP駐日代表事務所)

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尾崎 加奈(オザキ カナ)
経営戦略研究科(IBA)国際経営コース Global Public Management Program 2年
関西学院大学 文学部卒業

2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting
B.A. (School of Humanity, Kwansei Gakuin University)
Internship institution: UNDP Representation office in Tokyo, Japan
Internship duration: 2020.1.27~2020.3

●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容
・ Reporting documents in connection with policy and government relations(especially on Japan and the world situation under the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic)
・ Conducting interviews and editing articles for PR with the PA team
・ Managing the schedules of various meetings
・ Preparing and attending international events
・ Translating the project documents English⇔Japanese
・ Making presentation materials for UNDP Director Kondo

● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び

There are three primary assignments that I was involved and learned a lot:
1) Reporting documents when making official documents for Deputy Director, I have learned how to collect the critical information in an enormous amount of information so that I can more effectively convey to readers. My reports at the beginning were often filled with sentences with weak or unnecessary words that can be deleted or replaced. With the help of my supervisor, those documents became more precise, informative and professional.

2) Pitch event of Palestinian Agricultural Business UNDP representation office in Tokyo welcomed three Palestinian youth business persons from Gaza who won a prize at the business idea contest held by UNDP/PAPP (Programme of Assistance to Palestinian People). Hearing their proposals on how they plan to improve the situation and try to obtain capital investors made me realize the importance of the tight multisector connection in achieving sustainable development.

3) Conducting interviews and editing articles with the PA team From deciding the flow of the interview to the completion of the article, we organized it with the frequent PA team meetings. I was grateful to be a part of making this article because by participating in this project, I was able to learn more about UNDP, to work with my colleague as a team, and had an opportunity to listen to first-hand experience and their initiatives.


●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ

My internship supervisor and alumni who did an internship at UNDP before helped me a lot from the preparation phase; from how to write a resume and a cover letter to how to answer the interview. The fact I could imagine the process of the selection and the job at the internship helped me prepare efficiently. There were also many occasions that I realized I could use my knowledge learned at UNFA course at my internship. I needed to read many documents and articles during my internship; however, as we learned the history of development (especially the history leading up to the SDGs) and the core principles of international cooperation, it enabled me to understand what those documents were about instantly. The good thing about this program is that you can deepen your understanding from both practice and theory.

●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン

This internship has given me new insights and motivation to pursue a career in international organizations and development field. To prepare myself for my future career, I recognized that there is a lot of room for improvements, such as communication skills and critical thinking, to express myself more confidently in a precise manner. I would like to apply for JPO (Junior Professional Officer) exam to start off my development career. In my long-term career goal also, I wish to work on a multisectoral partnership based on this experience. 

●What you thought after the Internship / インターンシップに参加しての感想

Conversation with colleagues at UNDP made me realize their passion and devotion on their work. One official said that it is happy if the axis of work and the axis of private life are the same. She was putting her life-long dreams on an extension of the work. As we learned at the UNFA course, the SDGs activities begin by focusing on the little things that are happening around us. Through this internship experience, I reconfirmed that we could do something to make things better, regardless of professional or individual.   

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