国連・外交インターンシップ報告:NIETO, Jorge Eduardo Olarte(WFP Zimbabwe)

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ホルヘ エドゥアルド ニエト オラルテ
経営戦略研究科(IBA)国際経営コース Global Public Management Program 2年
ネブラスカ大学オマハ校卒業(PhilosophyとInternational Studies専攻のダブルメジャー)

Jorge Eduardo Nieto Olarte
2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting
B.A. (Double major: Philosophy and International Studies, University of Nebraska-Omaha)
Internship institution: WFP Zimbabwe (Remote internship)
Internship duration: 2020.10.14~2021.2.14

●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容

While I was expected to perform different tasks depending on the needs of my supervisor such as note taking, communicating with different parties, and researching different topics, I was mainly engaged with four assignments during my time as an intern. The first two were drafting country donor reports for India and Brazil, the third was compiling a contact list for different partner NGOS, and the fourth was working with a Korean NGO seeking future cooperation.

● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び

One of the main skills required for my internship was the capacity to research beyond easily available data. Particularly for the donor reports there was often data that was troublesome to come across. I was definitely lucky to have support from more experienced colleagues. I also had the opportunity to work on my cross-cultural communication skills since I was working with people from different backgrounds. Nevertheless, the capacity to manage my time efficiently was the single most important skill for me. Due to the time difference between Japan and Zimbabwe, as well as my full school and work schedule, it was critical for me to carefully plan all of my activities.

●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ

The knowledge learned in the UNFA classes prior to my internship was definitely helpful. Specially all the knowledge regarding the workings and operations of the UN. In addition to the classes, Professor Kukita, my internship advisor, was very helpful during my time as an intern. Multiple times I reached out to him for advice regarding some of my tasks and he was very happy to help.

●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン

After my time as an intern, I have become more interested in pursuing a career with the UN. In the UNFA classes that I have taken, I have developed a deep interest for some critical global issues such as climate change, education, and human rights. My interest at the moment are to pursue a career with the UN in an agency that tackles problems in some of these fields.




Details of Graduate Course in UN and Foreign Affairs Studies are available on the following web page.

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