国連・外交インターンシップ報告:JONCZYK, Carolin(UNESCAP Thailand)
経営戦略研究科国際経営コース 1年
アウグスブルグ大学卒業(Global Business Management専攻)
Carolin Jonczyk
1st year of Global Public Management Program,
International Management Course,
Institute of Business and Accounting.
Bachelor of Science (Global Business Management, Augusburg University)
Internship site: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP) Thailand, Bangkok
Internship duration: 2019.2.4~2019.3.29
●Details of Your Internship / インターンシップの内容
Research: Research about Nationally Determined Contributions and Malé Declaration and its current progress on airpollution in the South Asian context.
Communication Materials: Create a “Prezi” for the division with animation about SDGs.
Organization of Conference: Assistance with layout, security and set-up of Side Events and Pavilion of the Sixth Asia Pacific Forum for Sustainable Development, coordination and communication with organizers.
●What You Learned at Internship / インターンシップでの学び
Fortunately, I got the chance to work for many diverse people in different sections with varying tasks, therefore my learning curve was very steep. The respective supervisors were ensuring that the activity fields are set according to my interest by customizing tasks, which encouraged learning. Both hard skills as well as soft skills were challenged during the internship period. I acquired hard skills by using the software Prezi to make a presentation about the division, creating an animation and by handling all MS Office products in a more professional setting. Having worked in a division specializing on environment, I learned intensively about Nationally Determined Contributions and the Malé Declaration and I researched the current process of air pollution in the South Asian context, which is a very critical topic in this day and age. In terms of soft skills, communication was predominant during the internship as I was able to interact with many stakeholders such as other staff members, high-level officials, NGO delegates and civil society representatives. Most importantly, I got more confident in introducing myself, presenting projects, coordinating and writing emails professionally, which are skills relevant in all walks of life.
●The linkage between what you have learned at UNFA course and your internship experience / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
Having participated in the UNFA course, I was well prepared for the internship, as I received guidance throughout the process of the internship starting with figuring out how this can contribute to my future career path and finishing with reflection of my progress and learning. I received outstanding guidance along all steps of the way, with professors encouraging and assisting me with the application, staff helping with administrative aspects such as insurance and receiving advice from experienced professors throughout the internship. Due to the advocacy of the influential professors teaching at UNFA I was able to be supervised by the division director of ESCAP, which is a very fortunate position. Furthermore, classes prepare students well for the work environment and topics relevant to the UN, from basic understanding of humanitarian principles to detailed policy making, I felt confident in my knowledge levels. I am grateful for all the support I received from UNFA, as the guidance was very helpful for doing an internship at UNESCAP.
●Future Career Plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン
In my future career path, I would like to contribute to SDG 13 “Climate Action”, as this is a crucial topic with the current threat of climate change. Preferably, I would like to work in the UN system and contribute with my managerial skills in project management. Besides, through this internship I got in contact with many other agencies and NGOs that work towards the same purpose, and so this internship exposed me to various contacts and possibilities. This internship was well aligned with my future career path and I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to work for the UN, which will be beneficial asset in the resume regardless of the career choice.