国連・外交インターンシップ報告:VUONG, Linh Thuy(UNICEF Vietnam)

経営戦略研究科(IBA)国際経営コースGlobal Public Management Program 2年
商業大学 Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism(ベトナム、ハノイ)卒業
実習機関:国連児童基金(UNICEF) ベトナム、ハノイ
Linh Thuy Vuong
2nd year of Global Public Management Program,
International Management Course,
Institute of Business and Accounting.
Bachelor's degree (Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism, Thuongmai University)
Internship site: United Nations Children's Fund(UNICEF) Vietnam
Internship duration: 2018.7.30~2018.9.21
●Details of Your Internship / インターンシップの内容
【Position / ポジション】 Intern - Education Section of the UNICEF Vietnam
【Task during internship / インターンシップの内容】
I was given an opportunity to experience internship at the Education Section of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Vietnam Country Office as an Intern. From the starting day until the end of the internship, my key assignments were providing administrative and support services including documents translations, brainstorming and contributing innovative ideas with the Education Team to help improve and optimize implementation of some education projects/ programmes. Assisting in support of fundraising proposal writing and evidence-based decision-making, including translating the Funding Authorization and Certificate of Expenditure Form (FACE Form), double-checking and cross-checking the Programme Budget Estimates; Participating in relevant Office-wide and UN coordination meetings or events.

●What You Learned at Internship / インターンシップでの学び
First and foremost, through assignments I was given, I was able to understand the concept of Results-based Management. The Results-Based Management Strategy provides the Resident Coordinator, the UN Country Team, UN staff, and national and international partners with the overall approach to manage for One Strategic Plan and Delivering as One (DaO) results. The framework describes the main elements of DaO in Vietnam, and how they reinforce one another to make an effective contribution to the strengthening of national ownership and capacity and the achievement of national priorities.
Secondly, by given chance to work and do research in Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) field, and understanding the basic knowledge about Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Mother-tongue Based Bilingual Education (MTBBE) and Holistic Parenting Programmes, I have deeply concerned about the Early Childhood Education Development (ECED) and the current situation of children in Vietnam. I realized how importance of IECD is and really wanted to contribute something in the development of ECE. Children can be only developed their potentials when they receive a holistic early childhood education development.
And finally, participating in revising the Law on Education and training workshop for young people about the Law on Education with UNICEF colleagues helped me raise awareness about the importance of a legal document to protect children and give them a better development. The Law on Education, which children are one of the main objects, should be revised to focus more on children, to ensure their rights and safety in education environment. I wish to work for it so that the amended Law on Education can be implemented and protect the rights of the child in education environment.
●The linkage between what you have learned at UNFA course and your internship experience / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
I have taken my internship in UNICEF Vietnam after one year studying in GPM Program of IBA. During this one year, I have been through a lot of UNFA courses which were taught by all of experienced and respectful professors such as "Career Seminar for International Organizations", "Management of International Organizations", "Global Sustainable Development", "International Public Policy", etc. I can say that all of these courses had helped me a lot when I was taking my internship, not only the knowledge but also giving me different perspectives to approach and solve problems more efficient and effective. However, the most useful course for me when taking the internship is the course "Career Seminar for International Organizations". The course includes a lot of lessons about how to work in international organizations, including UN agencies, and interview practices which helped me to improve my interview answer skills, dealing with different situations and how to write a CV and Cover Letter which satisfy the hiring persons.
Besides the very helpful UNFA courses, I have received a huge support from my supervising professor, professor Jun Kukita, and other professors in UNFA Course. When preparing to apply for the post, professor Kukita had supported me to be the most suitable for the post. He also gave me a lot of supports during my internship, instructed me how to deal with situations, how to cooperate and integrate with other colleagues and constantly encouraged me to improve my competencies which will be helpful for my future career.
There is no doubt that I was very lucky when joining in this Program, taking this internship and receiving a lot of supports from my professors in UNFA Course.

With Miss Simone Vis, Education Section Chief
●Future Career Plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン
In the future, consistent with my mission of my life, to bring a better life for children, especially Vietnamese children, including children with disabilities, children of ethnic minority groups, etc., I would like to study more about Early Childhood Education Development in the context of Integrated Early Childhood Development (IECD) project, which is considered as the most important step of the growth of a child. If a child is parented well, he/ she will have a better development and a brighter future. UNICEF Vietnam, in the cooperation with Vietnamese government, is trying very hard to deal with many children’s serious issues by implementing projects/ programmes under IECD. Therefore, contributing in carrying out these projects/ programmes will give me a precious opportunity to fulfil my life’s mission, give children a better development environment.

With UNICEF VN staff members