国連・外交インターンシップ報告:万 海旗(UNESCAP(国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会))
経営戦略研究科(IBA) Global Public Management Program 2年
Jiangxi Tellhow Animation Vocational College(中国)卒業
実習機関:国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会 (UNESCAP) The Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization(北京、中国)※インターンシップは全てリモートで実施
Wan Haiqi
2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting
Graduated from Jiangxi Tellhow Animation Vocational College(China)
Internship institution: The Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization, UNESCAP(Beijing, China)(Remote internship)
Internship duration: 2022.02.14~2022.04.19
●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容
I completed my internship as an administrative intern with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), supporting the work for the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (CSAM) to promote research and development and extension of agricultural engineering, including machinery and rural industry for agricultural productivity gains and poverty reduction in the region. My responsibilities include:
• Assisting in social media outreach;• Providing support to ongoing projects;
• Administrative support; • Working on presentations;
• Consolidating and sorting data •Planning communication strategy
•Preparing for a multilateral meeting •Completing procure process
● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び
In ESCAP, there are a lot of chances to learn, to meet people of professional knowledge in sustainable development, and to experience how UN works in reality. After I learned knowledge of procurement process, I did one presentation about the UN procurement process in ESCAP, which was appreciated by my supervisor and the Director of the office. Basically, I have learned following points:
・UN provides a special account to their interns which can use to login Linkdin Learning. On the platform, intern can choose whatever courses they are interested in.
・I learned that UN procurement work is one of fundamental works for whole the UN, no matter which organisations procurement process always needs to implement carefullly.
・Digitalization has become a trend in the UN as well, almost all projects need a certain level digital skills. I have been continuously studying programming skills and data analysis from becoming a intern in UN.
・I built strong connection not only in ESCAP, but also with staff from other organization such as UNICEF,UNDP,and UNU.
・UN was built based on communication, so communication skill have been a essential skill for any UN staff. As a UN staff, what you are saying to people affects how people think about the UN.
●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
When I was doing an internship, the sentence said by my supervisor I am very proud is “How come your major and courses are 100% compatible with our UN? “ United Nations Foreign Affairs is designed for the UN. All the courses are directly related to the UN, I have more than advantages when applying for the UN compared with other majors. Professors helped me from the beginning of the application, including writing a resume, revising my cover letter, connecting with the UN, and preparing for the internship interview. If I didn’t get help from professors, there will be no chance for me to get the internship.
●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン
After the Escap internship, I am planning to get another internship related to sustainable development. After graduation, I plan to be an ESG consultant for a few years whose experience will be used to apply for the formal job in the UN.
