国連・外交インターンシップ報告:張 迪(UNESCAP(国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会))

Zhang Di Internship Photo 1

張 迪
経営戦略研究科(IBA) Global Public Management Program 2年
南京財経大学(中国)卒業(専攻:会計学)、University of Exeter(UK)卒業(専攻:Accounting Studies)
実習機関:国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会 (UNESCAP) The Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization(北京、中国)※インターンシップは全てリモートで実施

Zhang Di
2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting 
Bachelor of Management(Nanjing University of Finance & Economics(China)), Bachelor of Science(University of Exeter((UK))
Internship institution: The Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization, UNESCAP(Beijing, China)(Remote internship)
Internship duration: 2022.02.14~2022.05.13


●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容

Complete online training modules for the intern.
Learning security online modules, UN core values, SCAP/CSAM office mandates, and operational regulations. Help maintenance of information on the official CSAM website.
Assistance with English-Chinese bilingual translation for outreach materials of the center. Perform administrative support to the team, including assisting with administrative and logistical tasks assigned by colleagues and preparing and processing official documents.
Provide support to CSAM’s programs and activities. Attend CSAM’s knowledge sharing/training session provided by CSAM staff.
Assistance for other tasks assigned by the Head of CSAM and/or the designated staff of the Centre.
Prepare the internship final report and presentation.


● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び

During my internship, I was assigned the task of customizing the canvas bags that would be distributed at the CSAM meeting. This assignment helped me better understand the procurement process.During the procurement process, I discovered that practice is far more complicated than theory. One feature of UN Procurement is that no payment is made in advance. This makes it difficult to find suitable suppliers. Because canvas bag suppliers typically generate cash flow through small profits but quick turnover.
As a result, many buyers are unable to accept our delayed payment purchase method. I started by looking for a wholesale shopping platform. Then, in accordance with CSAM guidelines, I conducted an open inquiry. I negotiate with a large number of suppliers at once and explain our organization's unique purchasing conditions to them. After I found a supplier who agreed to our terms of purchase, I actively communicated with him and obtained samples of canvas bags made by their factory. During the communication process, I learned a lot about the material, size, and printing pattern of canvas bags.
Although this batch of orders had not been fully determined by the end of my internship, this purchase helped CSAM understand general market pricing and provided a variety of options for future suppliers.


●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ

I attended the career seminar before applying for the internship. This course taught me how to find a suitable internship position, how to write a cover letter, how to prepare a suitable CV, and how to simulate an interview. I had no idea how to write a CV or a cover letter before taking this class. I always fall into some misunderstanding, such as format redundancy.
During the application process,I realized that the skills I learned at the seminar were extremely useful. I need to complete some courses on the UN website during my internship. My primary concern is procurement. In the course of learning procurement, I will come across some financial knowledge. At KGU, I studied accounting and finance. The knowledge gained in these two lessons helped me better understand the procurement content.
What I learned in the GPMP curriculum about regional cooperation and sustainable development is also very useful for my internship. We talked a lot about sustainable development during the internship, and we planned the implementation plan for the photography competition with a sustainable development theme. The content on sustainable development that I learned in GPMP assists me in planning the copywriting and theme of the photography contest.


●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン

My future career goal is to work in international organizations to help vulnerable groups.
However, I am aware that many international organizations require applicants to have several years of work experience. So I'll start by looking for an auditing job. Working as an auditor allows me to advance in my career much more quickly than in other positions. It gives me many opportunities to work with clients from various industries and gives me a thorough understanding of those industries.
I plan to improve my professionalism after gaining some work experience. After that I will apply for positions in international organizations. The topics we discussed about agricultural development and regional cooperation during my internship at CSAM (Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization) are very relevant to the content I learned in class.


