教員の新刊: Community-Identity Construction in Galatians: Exegetical, Social-Anthropological and Socio-Historical Studies


Vol. 285 in the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement series

/Atsuhiro Asano(浅野 淳博 神学部准教授)

"Library of NT Studies: JSNTS on Paul (17 Vols.)" 【CD-ROM】

Logos Bible Software, [2008]
288 pages, CD-ROM

『新約聖書研究叢書[JSNTS] (London ; New York : T & T Clark International, 2005)』 から17巻を選び、Logos Bible Software がデジタル・ライブラリーとして2008年、新たに刊行したもの。浅野淳博准教授の著作:Community-Identity Construction in Galatians もそのうちの1巻としてこのライブラリーに含まれている(写真は、"Hardback; ISBN 056703027-X")。

The Library of NT Studies: JSNTS on Paul assembles some of the most penetrating investigations into the character and content of Paul’s epistles available. Each book in this collection features exhaustive analyses of Paul from a host of viewpoints, all serving to construct a more perfect reflection of the apostle, his theology, and his world. Surveying a variety of aspects of Pauline Christianity, this collection canvasses topics as diverse as Paul’s political motivations, community-identity construction, the prevalence of non-Pauline interpolations in the Epistles, scalometry’s relevance to Paul’s writings, and many other fascinating issues. Written with the academic in mind, the progressive thought and timely analysis exhibited here will prove profitable to anyone wishing to study this complex apostle more deeply.

Atsuhiro Asano, Community-Identity Construction in Galatians: Exegetical, Social-Anthropological and Socio-Historical Studies.
…Asano argues that Paul's effort at identity construction is partially conditioned by his self-awareness as an autonomous apostle and by the external pressures of the significant groups elsewhere. Paul's conflict is understood as a conflict between the ethno-centred and the 'instrumental mode' of community constructions, the latter of which is free from the constraints of core ethnic sentiment.…

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