
[ 編集者:経済学部・経済学研究科 2012年7月12日 更新 ]

藤井和夫ゼミと田中敦ゼミの学生たちが先月(6月)、ポーランド共和国・ウッジ大学国際関係学部からやってきた学生たちと交流を深めました。この交流は、日本学生支援機構 平成 24年度留学生交流支援制度(ショートステイ,ショートビジット)プログラムの助成を受け実施。交流名(プログラム名)は「日本ポーランド合同セミナー:グローバリズムの現代的課題」






Q1:What was your first impression of Japan/Kansai?
A1:First of all I was such happy that I cried! I wept for joy! Travel to Japan was always the biggest dream of my life. At the moment I saw a lot of kanji character and I was scared that my language is still not enough to survive in Japan (笑). I was impressed that in the same time I can see the mountains and the see on the other side. I looked around and I saw that surroundings looks little different than one in Poland. I can't even describe it now... I just felt that this is the best place in the world! I wasn't scare any more, I just thought "I'm where I should be"

Q2:Comparing the culture of Poland and Japan, what was the most significant difference for you? Also, what were you surprised by?
A2:There were less number of differences than ones could thought. For many people the hardest one could be japanese meals. They are completely different from the Polish. I like a lot of japanese dishes so for me it wasn't problem, but for others it could be matter of habit.
I was suprised that in Japan is less wastepaper basket that in Poland but still there is so clean (for example on the street). Whats more I think that in Japan the level of safety is very high. People can trust each other and they don't need (eg) keep on eye of every person whether ones validate his ticket or not, because everyone do it - in Poland it could be hard. I was suprised too that many students spend the most of their free time on sports and other activities! Even on the Sunday - day when Polish students usually sleep till afternoon - they work really hard and they always are full of energy! And I really love that no matter what kind of souvenir I bought in Japan it was always packed in cute, little bags and usually sealed. ♥ (In Poland it isn’t rule.)



Q3:What do you want to say to your future self?
A3:You made your the biggest dream come true, but I hope that you didn't stop at it and you still work hard and make an effort to be better person and achieve your other aims. I hope you can do what you love in your life, you found your place in the world and you have around you people, which you love and they love you as well. I believe that you had opportunity to comeback to Japan again and you still have those friend which you made at the first time.

Q:4Last of all, what’s the best memory during your stay in Japan?
I've made a lot of friends in Japan. All the best memories of my life in Japan are related to people (students, professors and others) which were such nice for us and helped us during our stay in Japan. I can't choose single moments because all of them are precious for me. I remeber deer in Nara which stole my brakefast from my bag, party with students and professors in the traditional japanese restaurant, polish students were singing out of tune in the karaoke bar, those tears when everyone said goodbye to each other... and many other things which I'll carry in my heart for the rest of my life!
