日本学生ポルトガル語弁論大会で国際学部生が「京都外国語大学総長杯」を受賞 / SIS Student wins 1st place in the Portuguese Speech Contest



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On November 16, the 42nd Japan Student Portuguese Language Oratory Contest hosted by Kyoto University of Foreign Studies was held, and Koki Iwahashi, a 4th year student at Kwansei Gakuin University's School of International Studies, participated in the contest and was awarded the “Kyoto University of Foreign Studies President's Cup,” equivalent to a second place.

Koki gave a speech in Portuguese on the subject “Language Learning in the Age of Apps and AI” and received the award.

Koki has been taking an elementary and intermediate Portuguese course offered by the Language Center at Kwansei Gakuin University.
For more details, please read the news on the university website (only available in Japanese).