COIL/VE科目「The European Union」が春学期に開講 / COIL/VE Course Was Offered in the Spring Semester
春学期、国際学部で「The European Union:Politics & Economy」が開講されました。
本科目はCollaborative Online International Learning(COIL)の一環で、海外の学生とICTツールを用いて協同学習を行うVirtual Exchange(VE)型の授業となっており、産業研究所所属のシュラーデ.A 准教授によるご指導のもと、Zoomを通じてドイツのミュンヘン大学の学生とともに実施されました。
秋学期にもアデイカリー.B 先生による「Japanese Corporate Governance」、ツー先生による「Contemporary Chinese Society & Culture」の2科目が事前申込制のCOIL/VE科目として開講されます。
ジャン・モネ事業 英語ニュース記事
ジャン・モネ事業 日本語ニュース記事
In the Spring semester, the SIS offered "The European Union: Politics & Economy."
The course was part of the Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) program and took a Virtual Exchange (VE) format in which KG students exercised cooperative learning with overseas students using ICT tools. Under the instructions of Dr. Schrade, an associate professor of the Institute for Industrial Research, the class was conducted in collaboration with the students from the University of Munich in Germany via Zoom.
In the Fall semester, two more courses, "Japanese Corporate Governance" by Dr. Adhikary and "Contemporary Chinese Society & Culture" by Dr. Tsu, are scheduled to be offered as COIL/VE courses with advance registration.
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Blog post of the Japanese Center at the University of Munich (Blog des Japan-Zentrums) in English