国際学部「グローバルイッシューB」履修学生が1日限定「ビーガンカフェ」をオープン / Students in the SIS course hosted one-day-only vegan cafe

国際学部の授業「グローバルイッシューB」を受講する学生7人が12月8日、神戸市中央区の「神戸アジアン食堂バルSala」で、1日限定のビーガンカフェを開きました。日本ではあまり普及していないビーガン料理を楽しんでもらい、食や生活スタイルの多様性を広く知るきっかけ作りにしてもらおうと企画したものです。「神戸アジアン食堂バルSala」と株式会社フードピクトによるケータリング事業「100%Plant Based」の協力を得て、ビーガンカレー(豆乳ココナツカレー)を提供しました。用意した48食が完売しました。


イベントを振り返り、企画した学生たちは「幅広い年代の方にビーガンやSDGs に関するライフスタイルを考えてもらうきっかけを提供できたと思う。1 日限定だったので、この成果を今後どのように生かし、次につなげていくかを考えたい」と話しています。


On December 8, seven students taking Global Issues B, offered by the School of International Studies, opened a one-day vegan cafe at Kobe Asian Shokudo Bar Sala in Chuo Ward, Kobe. The event was planned to provide an opportunity for people to enjoy vegan food, which is not widely available in Japan, and to learn more about the diversity of food cultures and lifestyles. They served vegan curry (soy milk coconut curry) with the cooperation of Kobe Asian Shokudo Bar Sala and 100% Plant Based, a catering business by FOODPICT Inc. The 48 meals prepared were sold out.

Vegan is a type of vegetarian that avoids all animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. The Global Issues B course assigns students to think about and implement specific activities to get involved in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through business. The participated student group is working on the theme of “designing a society where all people are empowered.”

Looking back on the event, the students said, “We think we succeeded in providing an opportunity for people of all ages to think about lifestyles related to veganism and the SDGs. Since it was only for one day, we would like to think about how we can make use of the results in the future and connect them to the next step.”


Please refer to the following link for the details.
