国際学部 渥美裕之教授の最終授業が行われました / Professor Hiroyuki Atsumi Presented Final Lecture on January 6
最終授業には、渥美教授のゼミに所属する学生と国際学部の教職員が参加し、授業の冒頭では国際学部長 宮田由紀夫教授より花束が贈呈されました。
On January 6th 2025, the final lecture of Professor Hiroyuki Atsumi, who will retire in March 2025, was held at Nishinomiya-Uegahara Campus.
Students in Professor Atsumi's seminar and faculty members of the School of International Studies attended his final lecture, and at the beginning of the class, Professor Yukio Miyata, Dean of the School of International Studies, presented him with a bouquet of flowers.