新任教員紹介:カーロヴィチュ ダルマ 専任講師 (2024年度新任)/ New Faculty: Dalma Kálovics, Lecturer




Hello, my name is Dalma Kálovics, and I joined the School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University in April 2024. I am from Hungary, and I arrived in Kyoto in 2013 to pursue research on 1960s shōjo manga.

While I still spend my time digging around in archives to discover long forgotten artists and works, my research interests have shifted somewhat over the years. While working on my PhD thesis that examined 1960s shōjo manga through the shōjo magazine Weekly Margaret, I dived into very old manga publishing media, and I became interested in the materiality of manga, especially in the way publication format affects panel layout. In recent years I have researched this topic from different perspectives, be it in 1950-60s children’s magazines, rental comics, newspapers, or recent digital comics, webtoons. Although my interest in the media history of manga has gone beyond shōjo manga, I still prefer to use examples of female-oriented manga, in order to further research on shōjo manga beyond gender studies.

I spent the past few years as a researcher working with manga manuscripts, so-called genga, at the Yokote Masuda Manga Museum in the snowy Akita prefecture, and I returned to Kyoto in April 2024 to join the faculty here. This is my first time teaching, so every day brings a new discovery, but I am looking forward to introduce students to the depth of Japanese pop culture, especially manga and anime.