クリスマスの飾りつけを行いました / SIS is ready for Christmas!



また、今年は国際学部開講科目「グローバルイッシューB」(代表担当教員:定藤繁樹 関西学院大学名誉教授)の履修者が授業の一環で企画・制作した小型太陽光発電装置「じぶん発電所」を電力源としたLEDライトを使い、クリスマスオーナメントのイルミネーションを飾っています。
本製作は、国際学部 SDGs プロジェクトに所属する学生の実体験がきっかけとなり、電気があることは「当たり前」ではなく「ありがたい」ことだと広く伝えたいと考えたことから、プロジェクトで取り組むゴールとして SDGs No.7「エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに」を設定し、スタートしました。プロジェクトを進めるにあたり、学生たちは授業を担当する亀田祥之先生の指導のもと、可搬型太陽光発電システム「じぶん発電所」の製作実績がある NPO 法人エコロジーオンラインに協力を依頼し、賛同を得たことで今回の取り組みが実現しました。講師には、大阪府下で「じぶん発電所」製作講座を行ってきた同法人の平田賀彦副理事を招き、学生たちは協力して「じぶん発電所」を製作しました。

イルミネーションは 12 月 10(火)から 12 月 23 日(月)のあいだ、クリスマスツリーと同じIS棟3階エレベーターホール前にてご覧いただけます。

In time for the advent, the School of International Studies is getting ready for celebrating the Christmas with the decorated trees.

This year we were fortunate to have the students help us decorate the trees during the chapel hour. They each picked up their favourite from the collection of the ornaments and decorations. Students all had fun decorating the tree, listening to Professor Hirabayashi, Chaplain of the SIS, talk about the meaning of the star on top of the tree, and culture of giving presents for Christmas and so on.

In addition, this year, the students of “Global Issues B”, a course offered at SIS by Professor Emeritus Shigeki Sadafuji, planned and created a small solar power generation device called “Jibun Hatsudensho” (My Powerplant) as part of their class, and used LED lights powered by the device to decorate illuminated Christmas ornaments.
This project was inspired by the real-life experience of one of the students in this course who belongs to the SIS SDGs Project. The student wanted to convey to the public that the access to electricity is not something to be taken for granted but rather something to be appreciated. The project started with the goal of achieving SDG No. 7, “Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all".
In order to proceed with the project, with guidance by the course instructor Yoshiyuki Kameda, the students asked Ecology Online, a non-profit organization that has experience in the production of “Jibun Hatsudensho” for their cooperation, and received their endorsement, which made this project possible. They invited Mr. Yoshihiko Hirata, vice director of the organization, who has been conducting “Jibun Hatsudensho” production in Osaka Prefecture, and the students worked together to build the powerplant. The illumination will be displayed at the Elevator Hall on the 3rd floor in G-Is Building.
We hope you will be able to spot them out!