第2回国際学部スピーチコンテストを実施しました / SIS holds its 2nd Speech Contest
Aグループのグランプリに輝いたのは、臼井秀太(うすい しゅうた)さん(前列中央)。永松茂久著『人は話し方が9割』について語ってくれました。
Bグループのグランプリに輝いたのは、井納渚(いのう なぎさ)さん(写真中央)。星新一著『ボッコちゃん』の「おーい でてこーい」について発表してくれました。
なお2024年度の開催に際し、関西テレビ放送アナウンサー 関 純子さんに「スピーチの仕方について」という動画を作成いただき、学生たちは「基礎演習A」で動画を視聴したうえで、コンテストに臨みました。 関アナウンサー、ご協力ありがとうございました。
On Wednesday, July 10 2024, the School of International Studies held its second annual speech contest.
The theme of this year's contest was "My Best Book". Each student had 3 minutes to present his or her best book in an appealing manner in order to make others want to read it.
Twenty-four representatives from each class of the "Basic Seminar A," a required first-year course, were divided into two groups and gave their presentations in classrooms G-IS303 and G-202.
The Winner of Group A was Shuta Usui, who spoke about the appeal of the book "Your Life is 90% Determined by the Way You Speak" written by Shigehisa Nagamatsu. His presentation, interspersed with humor at some points, filled the audience with laughter.
The first place of Group B went to the 1st year student of the School of International Studies, Nagisa Inou. He gave a presentation "He-y, Come on Ou-t!", a story from "Bokko-chan" by Shinichi Hoshi. Although Nagisa told us that he has never been familiar with reading books, his speech captivated everyone’s interest in the classroom.
This year, we had Ms. Junko Seki, a broadcaster from Kansai Television, create a video on “How to Give a Speech". The students watched the video during the "Basic Seminar A" classes in order to be ready for the competition.
We would like to thank Ms. Seki for her cooperation!