企業会計研究会が「京都大学・国立台湾大学企業分析研究会」で発表を行いました / Business Accounting Research Group to present at workshop

2023年11月18日に京都大学にて行われた京都大学・国立台湾大学企業分析研究会に国際学部 企業会計研究会が参加し、発表を行いました。

学生たちはLINEヤフー株式会社(LY Corporation)についての企業分析を行い、経営改善案の提案を行いました。

「2023年11月18日、関西学院大学国際学部 企業会計研究会は京都大学で開催された『International Bussiness Analysis Workshop』に参加しました。

私たち国際学部 企業会計研究会は、LINEヤフー株式会社(LY Corporation)について、経営戦略分析・財務分析・ESG評価の3つの分野から企業分析を行いました。

国際学部では、国際学研究フォーラムの下に企業会計研究会を含む7つの 学生研究会 が設置されており、学生の主体性に基づき、顧問の指導も得ながら学術的研究活動を進めています。

The Business Accounting Research Group at School of International Studies(SIS) participated in the International Business Analysis Workshop between Kyoto Univesity and National Taiwan University which took place on November 18th 2023 at Kyoto University.

The students' presentation included their analysis on LY corporation and what improvement measures could be taken.

Professor Yu Wang of SIS, leading advisor of the group, commented as below.

"We, the Business Accounting Research Group of SIS, conducted a corporate analysis research on LY Corporation from three different areas: management strategy analysis, financial statement analysis, and ESG data review.
We focused on the fact that the company is aiming to become a world-leading global technology company on par with GAFA, and summarized our research on what could be done by the company in order to achieve this goal. In the financial statement analysis, we discussed the possible improvement plans by focusing on the company's PBR which is less than 1.0. Also for the ESG data review, we focused on the company's relatively small investment in the human capital, and conducted a comparative research with Rakuten and Amazon.
The students were relieved to have been able to present their research smoothly as they had practiced in advance. The presentations by other six groups were very informative, as they analyzed companies from completely different perspectives from ours, including studies focusing on coporate's efficiency and relationship between its capital and business performance.
I hope the students will be able to utilize the takeaways they had in this workshop for their thesis and other business analysis they will work on in the future."

There are seven student research groups including the Business Accounting Research Group under International Studies Research Forum in the SIS, and each of them are conducting their academic research activities based on students' initiatives as well as the advisors' guidance.