







From Monday 21st August to Saturday 2nd September 2023, the EU Field Study, a 13-day short-term study abroad program jointly organised by the School of International Studies(SIS) and the Institute for Industrial Research, took place in Europe.

The program, for the first time after four years of interruption by the pandemic, was part of a project funded by the EU (Jean Monnet Chair), for which Professor Bungsche of the SIS was responsible for a total of four years from September 2019 to September this year.17 students participated in this program, and 11 of them were from SIS.
The program included field work, such as visits to companies and facilities with the aim of learning about local industries, about the European Green Deal and sustainability/environmental policies in Europe, while at the same time experiencing European culture.

The main destinations we visited are as follows.


BMW Manufacturing plant(Leipzig)
Hydrogen energy facility, former power plant sites, remains of lignite mine(Dessau)
Luther Town Church and Luther Haus Museum (Wittenburg)
Session with the students from Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf(Dusseldorf)
Cologne Dome

Japan External Trading Organization Dusseldorf Office


European Comission, European Parliament, European Committee of the Regions

<The Netherlands>

One of the largest port facility in Europe(Rotterdam)
Shared office for start-ups specializing in circular-economy(Rotterdam)
Deltares, research centre for water resources and water management(Delft)
Royal Delft Museum
Anne Frank Haus(Amsterdam)
Van Gogh Museum

The program was very intensive, with visiting 20 places in about two weeks. Below are some of the comments we received from the students who participated in the program;

"It was a great experience to exchange views with my peers and share our cultural interests with each other."
"As I am studying about Europe, it was an unforgettable experience to actually visit the institutions I had seen and heard about in lectures and also to visit historical sites."
"I was impressed to understand that the EU is not only responsible for the economy, finance and politics of Europe today, but also for future policy as an institution of peacekeeping."


ショルネヴィッツ発電所跡地 / Former power plant in Zschornewitz
日本からショルネヴィッツ発電所跡地を訪問した、記念すべき1グループ目になりました!/ We were the first guests from Japan to visit the power plant site!

宗教改革の中心となったヴィッテンブルクにあるルター・ハウスと教会を訪れました / We visited the Luther Haus and the town church, both played very important roles in the Reformation movement.
協定校であるデュッセルドルフ大学の学生と交流イベントを実施しました / With students from HHU, KGU's partner institution

ケルン大聖堂の塔からの眺め / View from the Tower of Cologne Cathedral
アーヘン大聖堂 / Inside Ahen Cathedral

EU議会では加盟国の役割や議会の機能などについて学びました / At the European Parliament, we learned about the role of members of EU and how the parliament functions.