新任教員紹介: 難波 彩子 教授(2021年度新任) / New Faculty Introduction: Ayako Namba, Professor (Appointed in AY2021)


     Hello, my name is Ayako Namba. I started working here at Kwansei Gakuin University in April, 2021. In the field of sociolinguistics, I have been studying the (re)construction of identities for diverse people who live in Japan by focusing on the perspectives of both verbal and non-verbal communication. I am interested in how verbal and non-verbal behaviours, and social categories (e.g., ethnicity and race, regionality, gender, generation, social class, etc.) interact, and how this will lead to (re)shaping their own multiple identities through various types of discourse genres (e.g., daily conversation and media discourse).
     I believe that the essence of people’s communication is embedded in their everyday life. In my classes, I always enjoy discussing a wide range of communication issues including such essence with students in School of International Studies. There is no right answer to many of them; therefore, I encourage the students to consider them both creatively and critically, to challenge conventional wisdom, and to learn a lot with other classmates through active discussions. I also hope that they value their own roots and perspectives as they have diverse identities. I like their learning attitudes that they can respect others with an open mind while trying to understand themselves deeply. I am happy because I can always learn a lot from the students.