2020年度卒業生インタビュー②小西翔太さん / Interview with Alumni AY2020 (2): Mr. Shota Konishi
■まず、英語で授業が取れるということ、英語科目のみで単位を修得して卒業することが 可能だからです。希望によっては日本語の科目を履修できる環境も魅力でした。
Mr. Shota Konishi, one of the English-based International Students graduated from the School of International in 2020 academic year, told us about the appeal of the School of International Studies.
Mr. Konishi has been working as a pilot at a major Japanese airline company since April.
<Below is the summary of the interview>
3 reasons why I chose SIS KGU.
■Ability to take classes in English
-Can even graduate with only English classes.
-Eased myself if into Japanese academia.
■Professors from around the world that teach a wide range of topics
-Allows for students to pick a topic that is right for them.
■Many international students
-Able to communicate with people from around the world.
-Can have fruitful conversations/discussions in classes with perspectives from around the world.
<Youtubeへのリンク/Link to Youtube Video >