Discussion Time Questionnaire(Imari Yasuda)

[ 編集者:経済学部・経済学研究科       2014年5月9日   更新  ]

Discussion Time Questionnaire(Imari Yasuda)

Imari Yasuda

 The Respondent: Imari Yasuda
         (School of Economics)

Have you noticed any changes in your English since starting Discussion Time?

Yes, I have. Discussion Time gives me the opportunity to speak in English. There are not many opportunities to talk with English-speaking students and teachers. So, I cherish this opportunity. It is not concrete, but my goal is to talk more fluently.
It is also possible to listen to the pronunciation of students and teachers from other countries. Some Japanese students speak English very well. It is also possible to listen to them, and hear how to speak English fluently.

What do you like about Discussion Time?

That everyone is friendly and easy to talk to. We talk in small groups of people, so it is possible to talk a lot.

Imari Yasuda

What topics are you interested in discussing?

 I'm interested in other counties' cultures and in studying abroad. There are many things which we think are common sense in our culture, but in other cultures, there are different ways of thinking, so I think it is fun to hear about the differences between cultures. Through this, I can learn about the way of thinking in other countries.

Have you ever studied abroad? Tell us about your experience.

 Yes, I have. I went to England this February. I often look back on the fond memories of my lovely days in England. I went to class in the morning, and went on trips in the afternoon. When I first got there, I could only listen of course. However, I felt it was refreshing to go home and make dinner with my roommate. We we're laughing and talking all the time.

During my stay in England

During my stay in England

Are you planning to study abroad in the future? Tell us about your plans.

 Yes I am. But, I do not know whether I want to do a formal study abroad program. I'm planning to visit many other countries. I want to experience other countries' cultures, streets, views, atmosphere, and personalities. While I am a student, I want to try as much as possible.