出版・成果物 ジャン・モネ・モジュール (Agreement No. 2018・3245 / 010 – 001)


[ 編集者:産業研究所     2022年9月2日 更新 ]


■ A journey through Europe: Societies, politics, and contemporary issues in the EU
著者 アンナ・シュラーデ 


関西学院大学出版会 A journey through Europe: Societies, politics, and contemporary issues in the EU関連ページへのリンク


■ 研究 1 
研究テーマ:Labour Mobility and its impact on rural depopulation in Estonia and Finland. Recent patterns of labour mobility in the Baltic states (incl. returning migrant workers) and its impact on rural revitalisation

研究1 研究成果概要


■ 研究 3
研究テーマ:Research project 3: Population ageing and efforts to guarantee universal social welfare and medical provision in (Eastern) Germany
NB: due to mobility restrictions resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, this research only focuses on Germany (and not also on Italy)

「How can Germany secure adequate medical care for all? 」

研究3 研究成果概要 「How can Germany secure adequate medical care for all? 」


■ 産研論集第49号(2022年3月)
企画論文「Coping with demographic change. New attempts in the EU and/or Japan to stem the demographic challenges」
責任編集 アンナ・シュラーデ 産業研究所准教授

WATANABE Hiroaki Richard「Coping with low fertility rates in OECD countries: the case of Japan」 

RIMINUCCI Michela「Japan and Diversity as a Strategy to Successfully Manage Demographic Change」 

SCHRADE Anna「Revitalising and rejuvenating the countryside through foreign workers: a case study of the Technical Intern Trainees working in oyster farming in Hinase (Okayama Prefecture)」 

JACKSON Keith Geoffrey「Memory, influence and rural re-vitalization in Hyogo Prefecture: preparing to evaluate visitor memories of the Osaka World Expo 2025」       

RAWLINSON Francis「A new regional development policy in the UK: the ‘levelling up’ agenda」 

産研論集第49号 - 産業研究所リポジトリ関連ページへのリンク