Jean Monnet Module (575339-EPP-1-2016-1-JP-EPPJMO-MODULE) Final Summary

[ 編集者:産業研究所       2019年10月21日 更新 ]


Project Title/Academic Coordinator

Project Title: Encouragement of KGU students' talents to become international professionals through enhanced EU related education.

Academic Coordinator: Professor Holger Bungsche, School of International Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University

A. Outline of the Implemented Activities

a. 4 teaching courses [TEACHING];
b. 2 books and 15 report publications [DELIVERABLES];
c. 2 research projects[RESEARCH];
d. 16 events (seminars, workshops, and conference) [EVENTS]

B. Summary of the implemented activities

a. TEACHING: The following four courses were taught over the three project years

[TEACHING 1]: Societies, Economies and Industries in the EU (taught in Japanese)
The course was taught in the spring semesters in 2017, 2018, and 2019 with the total number of registered students 287 (43 in 2017, 96 in 2018, and 148 in 2019).

[TEACHING 2]: PBL Special Seminar 002 and 003 - original title: European Companies in the Japanese Economy (taught in Japanese)
The course was taught in the fall semester in 2017, and in the spring semesters in 2018 and 2019 with the total number of registered students 90 (25 in 2017, 24 in 2018 and 41 in 2019).
[TEACHING 3]: EU Field Study (Taught in Japanese and English)

The course was taught in the fall semester in 2017, and in the spring semesters in 2018 and 2019 with the total number of registered students 37 (9 in 2017, 12 in 2018, and 16 in 2019).

[TEACHING 4]: Environmental Governance in the European Union (Taught in English)
The course was taught in the fall semesters in 2016 and 2017, and in the spring semesters in 2018 and 2019 with the total number of registered students 60 (15 in 2016, 2 in 2017, 13 in 2018, 30 in 2019).



[DELIVERABLE 1]: Akira Ichikawa (2017), Establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community: Possibilities of the Comparative Study for Regional Integrations (Tokyo, Chuo-Keizai); 800 copies; the book was published as adeliverable of the three year joint research project titled “Regional Economic Integration: A Comparative Studybetween the EU and ASEAN" which was led by Dr. Bungsche [RESEARCH 1]

[DELIVERABLE 2]: Kazuo Fujii (2019), Europe in the modern world: Reviewing its policy, economy and culture,(Tokyo, Chuo-Keizai); 500 copies; the book was published as a deliverable of the three year joint research projecttitled “Europe in the Today’s World: Political, Economic and Cultural Aspects” which was led by Dr. Fujii

RESEARCH PAPERS (Conference/Workshop/Seminar Reports)

[DELIVERABLE 3]: The EU as a normative power: reconsidering the identity of the EU in the midst of crisis

[DELIVERABLE 4]: Not published - because we were unable to obtain the permission from the speaker of [EVENT2] for publishing the deliverable.

[DELIVERABLE 5]: The European Union and Africa: A New Partnership between Two Neighbors?

[DELIVERABLE 6-1]: BREXIT: what does it mean for the future of the EU and for the strategy of our own industry towards Europe?

[DELIVERABLE 6-2]: Is the UK's decision to leave the EU justified or pointless? - A Europhile Briton's view

[DELIVERABLE 7]: Reforms and Recovery in Europe? An Assessment of Europe and the EURO Crisis Countries

[DELIVERABLE 8]: Shaken by complex crises, whither the European Union?

[DELIVERABLE 9]: EU: Growth Strategy Europe 2020 and Reforms of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)

Exceeding the reports listed above, further eight reports were published related to EVENTS organized in addition tothe commitments made in the application.

c. RESEARCH: the following two research projects were organized and each project published a book after the project period

[RESEARCH 1]: Regional Economic Integration: A Comparative Study between the EU and ASEAN

[RESEARCH 2]: Europe in the Today’s World: Political, Economic and Cultural Aspects

d. EVENTS: 16 events were held. Please refer to the attached “KGU_Event_List.pdf” for details.

KGU_Event_List   [ 104.95KB ]PDFファイル