出版・成果物/DELIVERABLES Jean Monnet Module (Agreement No. 2015・3375/041 -001)

[ 編集者:産業研究所       2019年9月3日 更新 ]




■叢書:藤井和夫編著『現代世界とヨーロッパ ―見直される政治・経済・文化―』(中央経済社,2018)
BOOK:Kazuo Fujii(2018)
Europe in the modern world:Reviewing its policy,economy and culture,(Tokyo,Chuo-Keizai)

■叢書:市川顕編著『ASEAN経済共同体の成立 ―比較地域統合性の可能性―』(中央経済社,2017)
BOOK:Akira Ichikawa (2017):
Establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community:Possibilities of the Comparative Study for Regional Integrations,(Tokyo,Chuo-Keizai)

●論文:Research Papers


■論文:ホルガ―・ロベルト・ブングシェ「地域経済統合と自動車産業:EU(欧州連合)とアセアン(東南アジア諸国連合)における生産ネットワークと労働分配の比率」産研論集第44号 pp101-120,2017.
Research Papers: Bungsche, Holger(2017)
"Regional Integration and the Automobile Industory: A comparison Between the EU and ASEAN with Respect to the Development of Production Networks and the Evolution of Distribution of Labour"

地域経済統合と自動車産業 [ 2.06 MB ]PDFファイル

●講演会報告書/Event Report here (Only Japanese version is available.)



■2019年7月10日(水)IIR Seminar 「Reforms and Recovery in Europe? An Assessment of Europe and EURO Crisis Countries」
[Report] IIR Seminar "Reforms and Recovery in Europe? An Assessment of Europe and EURO Crisis Countries" (10 July 2019)

講演会報告書【アンナ・シュラーデ先生】 [ 3.04 MB ] PDFファイル

■2019年6月1日(土)産業研究所講演会『EU:成長戦略「Europe 2020」と経済通貨同盟(EMU)の改革』
[Report] IIR Seminar "EU: Growth strategy Europe 2020 and reforms of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)" (1 June 2019)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書【花田エバ先生】 [ 4.12 MB ] PDFファイル


[Report] IIR Workshop "The European Union and Africa: A New Partnership between Two Neighbors?"  (17 November 2018)

講演会報告書【オチア先生他】 [ 2.71 MB ] PDFファイル


[Report] IIR Seminar "Roma people and European Governance"  (9 December 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書【山川先生】 [ 1.99 MB ]PDFファイル

■2017年10月14日(土)産業研究所講演会「試論 なぜベルギーはテロの温床となったのか―もうひとつの『連邦制の逆説』?―」
[Report] IIR Seminar "Why has Belgium Become the Hotbed of Terrorists ; Another Paradox of Belgium’s Federal Systems? A First Attempt of an Interpretation."  (14 October 2017) here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書【松尾先生】 [ 1.51 MB ]PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Seminar "The Autonomy of the EU Legal System with Respect to International Law"  (14 October 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書【小松崎先生】 [ 867.94KB ]PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Seminar "Remunicipalization and Citizen’s Participation - Experiences from the Water Supply Services in Germany"  (22 July 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書【宇野先生】 [ 2.69 MB ] PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Workshop "The EU as a normative power" (27 May 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(臼井先生) [ 595.28KB ] PDFファイル

■2017年5月20日(土)合同EU研究セミナー 「EUと日本の経済関係のトレンド予測」
[Report] Joint Seminar "EU-Japan Economic Relations - Trend Forecast" (20 May 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(EUと日本の経済関係のトレンド予測) [ 6.30 MB ]PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Seminer "Modern Hungarian history and the 1956 migration crisis" (15 April 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(荻野先生) [ 600.71KB ]PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Workshop "The foreign and security policy of the European Union (EU) – Institutional evolution and changes on the ground " (14 April 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(中村先生) [ 589.04KB ] PDFファイル


[Report] IIR Lecture " European society in convergence and diversity – Europe and the world in the quarter century since German reunification " (7 February 2017)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(香川先生) [ 4.43 MB ] PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Lecture " Shaken by complex crises, whither the European Union? " (26 November 2016)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(遠藤先生) [ 1.42 MB ] PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Seminar "Is the UK's decision to leave the EU justified or pointless?
-A Europhile Briton's view-" (29 October 2016) here

講演会報告書【ローリンソン先生】 [ 1.02 MB ] PDFファイル

[Report] IIR Lecture "BREXIT : what does it mean for the future of the EU and for the strategy of our own industry towards Europe?" (22 October 2016)
here (Only Japanese version is available.)

講演会報告書(久保先生) [ 3.29 MB ]PDFファイル