[ 国連・外交統括センター ] インターンシップ参加報告
Lien Nguyen (NGO/NPO 気候ネットワーク)

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リェン グェン
経営戦略研究科(IBA) Global Public Management Program 2年
兵庫県立大学 経済学部卒業
実習機関:NGO/NPO 気候ネットワーク(京都)

Lien Nguyen
2nd year of Global Public Management Program, International Management Course, Institute of Business and Accounting B.A (School of Economics and Management, University of Hyogo)
Internship institution: Kiko Network NGO/NPO, Kyoto, Japan
Internship duration: 2021.6.10~2021.8.31

●Details of your internship / インターンシップの内容

• Engage in activities promoting decarbonization and clean energy shift at the regional and communal levels through cooperation with local citizens
• Specialize knowledge especially under the topic of carbonization through joining activities, events and classes and discussions with experts and other interns
• Conduct own research and study on climate policies, FIT(Feed-in-Premium) for examples
• Make presentations, write blog articles, transmit and share information via social network channels such as Facebook and Instagram


● What you learned from the internship program / インターンシップでの学び

In Japan, Kiko Network has been successfully in engaging citizens of all ages from kids to retired people, from individuals to groups such as schools, companies and even Japanese Government through activities such as:
• Making Scenarios and Strategies including a mid- to long-term reduction vision for 2050 and citizens’ panel on energy scenarios (in cooperation with other Japanese NGOs)
• Climate Protection Law proposal
• Evaluation of Japanese policies including Mid- to long-term GHG emission reduction target, Energy savings law, The Climate Change Prevention Law, The Climate Change Countermeasure Plan, The Basic Energy Plan
• Information Disclosure and Data Analysis including: Analysis of Japan’s GHG Emissions, Requesting information regarding the energy consumption of large-scale facilities in Japan
• Building low carbon communities
During the internship, I was able to join many learning activities with other interns and local Japanese people of all ages. Kiko Network break issues of climate change and global warming into many possible actions that people of all ages can learn to practice in their daily lives, especially in energy field which contributes a big proportion to CO2 emission. Under the kind guidelines and comments from Supervisor Taura Kenro and other officers and interns, I also learned how to research and analyze policies such as FIT (Feed-in Tariff) and FIT (Feed-in-Premium). Using only Japanese language was the biggest challenge for me as a foreign student. However, with the kind help from all the great people I met, I was able to enhance both my public speaking skills in Japanese as well as understandings of the environmental issues.

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●The linkage between the internship program and UNFA Course contents / 国連・外交コース授業での学びとインターンシップ
I have been learning in the UNFA course many issues related to climate change. Luckily there in Kiko Network, I have learned many possible solutions. Japan is a good model country where NGO/NPOs such as Kiko Network are producing very high performance of efficiency to promote actions towards climate change issues. Importantly, the organization has been working hard, through direct talks or via very easy-to-understand lectures with each individual at the local level. For Kiko Network’s staff, Net Zero Emission is a possible target, if the whole Japanese society involved in decarbonizing activities. This belief has been motivating them to work untiredly.I am also so grateful to have been helped by professors and the UNFA office staff to accomplish this meaningful internship.


●Future career plan / 将来の目標、キャリアプラン

After my time as an intern, I will continue my participation with Kiko Network voluntarily as well as study further to prepare for my career in this field. After graduation, I hope to continue my study in another graduate course on the green economy and renewable energy field to pursue a career with an NGO/NPO in the future.





Details of Graduate Course in UN and Foreign Affairs Studies are available on the following web page.

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