

DedicationWashio Kurata
The Development of Modern Sociology
-Restropect and prospect-
Talcott Parsons
Hideichiro Nakano
The Crisis of Modern SocietyTalcott Parsons20
Modern Society and ReligionTalcott Parsons20
A consideration on T.Parson痴 Interpretation of DurkheimTocihiro Koseki35
The Japanese Factory ReconsideredHiroshi Mannari51
On the Problem of the Restricted Mixed Linear RegressionKeiichiro Nakayam59
Some Considerations on the Criteria for Classifying Various Kinds of MinoritiesMichio Umino
Yutaka Kagami
Development of Verbal-Communication-Ability
-G.H.Mead痴 Framework and Modern Japanese Society-
Harueko Kato77
New Approaches to Social GerontologyTsuyako Shimada89
An Approach to Social Welfare Planning (XI)
-before taking up 鍍he main thesis-
Shinji Takata101
The Peasant Families in European Feudal EraHideko Takeyasu109
The Patrimonial Bureaucracy and the Decentralizational tendencies of its Power in the Traditional Society
-A Case of the Mughal Empire in India-
Masashi Kasuga119
