

Bellak's Concept of Schizophrenia (5)Tamotsu Sugihara3
New Development of the Services for the ElderlyTsuyako Shimada13
An Initial Interview by Dr. J. WalpeKen Takada25
An Approach to Social Welfare Planning [III]
-Social Welfare Planning and Walfare Indicators-
Shinji Takata35
National Integration and Citizenship
-A Survey in K City-
Hibeichirou Nakano47
Ernest Hemingway and His SuicideMitsuo Miyata63
A Critical Study of Kant's Christology (II)Sumito Haruna73
A Study of a Rural Community (II)
-An Approach Through the Theory of Group Analysis-
Fumio Inoue83
The Concept of NeighborhoodNoriaki Okuda97

