

The Study of LiteraturekVIl
-Literature and Nature-
Tomoo Tochihara2
Career and publications of Mr. Tomoo Tochihara17
Ernest Hemingway and His ReligionMitsuo Miyata21
The Birth of aChristian Epic
-A Study in Milon and Dryden-
Mitsuru Murakawa33
The Theological Thought in Pens'ees of Blaise Pascal
-Biblical interpretation and Chricstology-
Hajime Morikawa43
Takarazuka City:A Case Study of Suburb of MetropolisYasujiro Daido51
A Structual-Functional Analysis of Lifelime CommitmentHiroshi Mannari
Robert M. Marsh
On the Principle of the Autonomy of Reason in the Modern and Contemporary Theology (Part I)Sumito Haruna79
Functional Classifcation of Japanese Cities (1965)
-Three Levels of Specitication-
Washio Kurata91
Study of Michinoshima Society (1)
-Historical Chenges from 16 to 19 Century-
Yoshikuni Yatani109
Book Review
The Affluent WorkerTouichiro Koseki119

