[ 理工学研究科 ]国際修士プログラム International Masters Program (taught in English)

国際修士プログラム International Masters Program

物理・宇宙物理学専攻、先進エネルギーナノ工学専攻、化学専攻、環境応用化学専攻、生物科学専攻、生命医科学専攻のいずれかの研究室に所属し、最先端の研究を行うとともに、所定の科目の単位を修得した者に国際自然科学修士(Master of Science and Technology)が授与されます。引き続き、博士号を取得するための、プログラムも提供されています。

The Graduate School of Science and Technology at Kwansei Gakuin University has a Master’s Degree Program in English.
All our programs are conducted in English. The aim of the programs is to keep pace with globalization and expose our students to state-of-the-art technology with up-to-date research applications. We would like to harness the potential of outstanding research. This is an international program that emphasizes on research that directly benefits society and the environment. Students are expected to enroll in this program in order to obtain Master’s degrees. An extended program for Doctor’s degree is also offered.


Courses Physics, Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy, Chemistry, Applied Chemistry for Environment, Bioscience, Biomedical Chemistry
Students intake About Six (6) for each year
Application Period Twice a year (Spring/Fall)
Examination Selection based on submitted documents and an interview if necessary
Degree Master of Science and Technology

Features of the Program

  • Students will undertake research work in a laboratory with their basic modules. Through these modules, students will acquire further comprehensive understanding in physics, chemistry, and bioscience. From their research, they will build up critical analytical skills to design and execute their project.
  • From this program, students will also be taught how to give oral presentations, and improve academic writing skills.
  • The program is designed to foster students to be researchers with the ability to conceive innovative ideas by synthesizing knowledge from different disciplines and the skills for devising research plans for realizing ideas.
  • In this program, students shall choose a laboratory and undertake research work under his/her supervisor.
  • Requirements for completion of the program: Completion of assigned research work, basic course modules, acceptance of the Master’s thesis, and passing the final examination.
  • Degree: Master of Science and Technology.

Research Fields


Hirotake Itoh
Ultrafast phenomena in solids, Terahertz spectroscopy, Strongly-correlated systems
Database of Researchers
Takashi Okamura ※
General Relativity and Gravitation, Application of Gauge/Gravity Duality
Database of Researchers
Yoshio Kono
High-pressure physics, Synchrotron X-ray experiments, Liquid/Glass
Database of Researchers
Masumichi Seta
Radio Astronomy, Astronomical Instrumentation, Interstellar Medium
Database of Researchers
Isao Takahashi
X-ray Surface Scattering, Soft Matter Surface
Database of Researchers
Tooru Taniguchi
Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Chaotic Dynamics
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Junko Hiraga
X-ray Astronomy, Origin of the Elements, X-ray Imaging Spectroscopy
Database of Researchers
Shuji Matsuura
Infrared Astronomy, Cosmic Background Radiation, Cosmology
Database of Researchers
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.

Nanotechnology for Sustainable Energy

Noboru Ohtani ※
Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Crystal Defects
Database of Researchers
Masayoshi Ohya
Superconductivity, Electrical power equipment, Liquid hydrogen
Database of Researchers
Teppei Ogura
Chemical Engineering, Computational Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Catalysis
Database of Researchers
Toshinori Ozaki ※
Superconductivity, Material Synthesis, Characterization at Low Temperatures and Under Magnetic Fields
Database of Researchers
Tadaaki Kaneko ※
Semiconductor Physics, Nanotechnology, Crystal Growth
Database of Researchers
Hideharu Sugihara
Electric power transmission, Distributed Energy Resource, Inverter
Database of Researchers
Motohiro Suzuki ※
permanent magnets, spintronics devices, synchrotron radiation analysis
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Katsuya Nomura
MC (Electromagnetic Compatibility), Power Electronics, Electromagnetic Simulation, Topology Optimization
Database of Researchers
Hiroki Hibino
Graphene and Related Two-Dimensional Materials, Surface Physics, Crystal Growth, Surface Microscopy
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Akihiko Fujiwara
Materials Science, Energy-Related Materials, Synchrotron Radiation Analysis
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Motoaki Matsuo ※
Materials Science, Hydrogen Storage, Ionic Conduction
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Hirofumi Yoshikawa
Rechargeable Battery, Capacitor, Nanocarbon
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Hiroyuki Yoshida
Applied Optics, Photonics, Organic Optoelectronic Materials
Database of Researchers
Katsunori Wakabayashi
Theoretical Nanoscience, Condensed Matter Theory, Computational Physics
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.


Junko Omachi
Single-shot, high-speed imaging and high-resolution optical microscope
Database of Researchers
Kazuyoshi Ogasawara
Quantum Materials Science, Quantum Materials Design
Database of Researchers
Takuya Kurahashi ※
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Operando Spectroscopy, Computational Chemistry
Database of Researchers
Kohei Sato
Organic chemistry, Supramolecular chemistry, Biomaterials chemistry
Database of Researchers
Shinsuke Shigeto
Molecular Spectroscopy, Raman Microspectroscopy and Imaging, Biophysical Chemistry
Database of Researchers
Daisuke Tanaka
Coordination Compound, Crystal Structures, Synthetic Chemistry.
Database of Researchers
Kei Murakami ※
Reaction methodology developments
Database of Researchers
Atsushi Yagasaki
Chemistry of Molecular Oxide, Solution Chemistry
Database of Researchers
Hiroshi Yamaguchi ※
Protein Crystallography, Protein Science
Database of Researchers
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.

Applied Chemistry for Environment

Eiji Shirakawa
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Transition Metal Catalysis
Database of Researchers
Masaharu Tanimizu
Geochemistry, Mass Spectrometry
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Keiko Tawa
Surface Plasmon, Fluorescence Imaging, Biosensor
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Motohiro Tsuboi
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Hideki Hashimoto
Photosynthesis, Artificial Photosynthesis, Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopies
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Toshiyuki Hamura
Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Structural Organic Chemistry
Database of Researchers
Sadahiro Masuo
Optoelectronic Materials, Photovoltaics, Optical Microspectroscopy
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Yasuhiro Morisaki ※
Synthetic Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.


Naoya Takeda
Plant-microbe interactions, Symbiosis engineering
Database of Researchers
Katsunori Tanaka
Chromosome Dynamics, Plant Molecular Biology, Yeast Genetics
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Hiroyuki Toh
Bioinformatcis, Molecular Evolution, Computer
Database of Researchers
Shinsuke Fujiwara
Environmental Microbiology, Enzyme Application, Genetic Engineering
Database of Researchers
Masaru Hojo ※
Chemical Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Neuroethology, Social Insects
Database of Researchers
Yusuke Matsuda ※
Plant Molecular Physiology, Signal Transduction, CO2 Concentrating Mechanism
Database of Researchers
Keiji Miura
Computational Neuroscience, Brain Machine Interface, Data Science
Database of Researchers
Yuri Munekage
Plant Biology, Photosynthesis, C4 Evolution
Database of Researchers
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.

Biomedical Chemistry

Tsukasa Okiyoneda
Membrane Protein Disease, Innate Immunity
Database of Researchers
Hidetoshi Sato ※
Biomedical Optics
Database of Researchers
Yoshiyuki Seki
Epigenetics for Germline Development
Database of Researchers
Yohei Hirai
Regenerative Medicine, Cell Biology
Database of Researchers
Lab. Homepage
Ikuko Yao
Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Bioimaging
Database of Researchers
Kohzoh Yoshino
Biosignal Analysis, Mathematical Modelling, Biomedical Engineering
Database of Researchers
Note: Laboratories marked with this symbol (※) have reached their capacity for this academic year and are unable to accept additional international students.

International Faculty Members

Bibin Bintang Andriana
Fundamental Biology and Analytical Technology for Environmental Studies
Database of Researchers
Biyani Manish
Evolutionary Molecular Engineering (EME), Nano-bio Materials/Devices, Electro-chemical Materials/Devices, Molecular Dynamics, Molecular Diagnostics, DNA-based Nanoarchitecture.
Database of Researchers

Entrance Examination

The entrance examination for the International Masters Program is conducted twice a year, for both the fall and spring semester admissions. Please refer to the admission guidelines provided in the following link for details on application qualifications and schedules.

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