Super Global High School(SGH)

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Domestic Fieldwork 2018 (Asian Rural Institute, Tochigi)        Overseas Fieldwork 2018 (Siem Reap, Cambodia)         Overseas Fieldwork 2018 (Indonesia, Bali)

On March 28, 2014, Kwansei Gakuin Senior High School was selected as a Super Global High School under the 2014 Super Global High School Program launched by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). This program is designed to support high schools that provide education aimed at developing their students into global leaders who will be able to play major roles on the international stage.

With “the development of senior high school students’ practical problem-solving skills in collaboration with a university focusing on globalizing its education” as the main concept of its SGH initiative, Kwansei Gakuin Educational Foundation aims to promote cooperation between its university and senior high school to enable senior high school students to develop global mindsets and problem-solving skills to the highest levels possible through secondary education. (Kwansei Gakuin University was selected as a Super Global University under MEXT’s 2014 Super Global University Program.)

KGHS strives to achieve its ideal goals through the provision of a two-layered education system, which consists of a General Global Program (GGP) for all students and a Global Leader Program (GLP) for students aiming to become global leaders in the future.

* KGHS will update information regarding its efforts under SGH Program on its official website.


■ GGP Global Seminar ■

■ GGP Global Poster Session ■

■ GLP Forum ■

■ GLP Seminar ■

■ GLP Session Day ■

■ Fieldwork ■

■ Other Activities ■

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